Joanna Leigh and JL Consultants Counseling Joanna Leigh and JL Consultants Therapy

Trauma can occur in one great event, or a series of events that creates a loss of faith that there is any safe place in which to go, any predictability, any meaning in this world. Trauma creates complete disillusionment, and loss of sense of safety. As traumatic events are so overwhelming, they are difficult to process by the mind and body, so they can take on a life of their own, haunting the survivor with their continued effects.

Individuals who have been in combat, police work, and fire-fighting, and individuals who have been in an abusive relationship are at high risk to have experienced trauma, and may exhibit symptoms of PTSD. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is created when an individual is exposed to a distressing event that is beyond the range of usual human experience and causes intense terror, fear, and helplessness. This kind of event is an assault to the senses—your psyche and biology, and could have happened recently or long ago, or over a sustained period of time.

Some PTSD symptoms include: difficulty sleeping and concentrating, being easily startled, irritability/anger/agitation, nightmares, intrusive memories, flashbacks, physical bodily “feelings” when remembering event, loss of interest in life and other people, isolation/withdrawal, hopelessness, numbing/emotional anesthesia, depression, preoccupation with avoiding situations or thoughts related to trauma.

Skilled and supportive, Joanna Leigh provides a safe place for survivors of trauma to tell their story, helping them focus on coping and comfort, feeling less isolated, and adapting to what has happened. By allowing the feelings to become integrated, and finding real-world solutions to cope with life successfully, clients can heal, become empowered, and resume living as stronger, healthier individuals.

Please contact Joanna Leigh & JL Consultants for an appointment in either Boston or Scottsdale.

Joanna Leigh and JL Consultants Joanna Leigh and JL Consultants Professional Practice
Psychotherapeutic Models - Counseling and Therapy
Life Coaching - Counseling and Therapy
Wellness Counseling and Therapy
Stress Management - Counseling and Therapy
Assertiveness Training - Counseling and Therapy
Couples and Relationship Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Divorce Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Grief and Loss - Counseling and Therapy
Trauma, Abuse, PTSD - Counseling and Therapy
Self Esteem Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Image Related Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Teen and College Age Stresses - Counseling and Therapy
Women's Counseling and Therapy
Caregiver and Critical Care Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Gay, Lesbian, Bi., Tran. Concerns - Counseling and Therapy
Legal Services
Accessible and Affordable Programs - Counseling and Therapy
Giving Back to Society
Joanna Leigh Counseling and Therapy Services
Joanna Leigh and JL Consultants Professional Practice
Boston, New York, Phoenix, Los Angeles   |   (617) 390-5541 fax   |   (617) 686-1612 mobile

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Image Related Concerns   |   Teen/College Age Stresses   |   Women's Counseling   |   Caregiver/Critical Care Concerns
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